Couple swaps 1 bed rental for 3 bed house

Couple swaps 1 bed rental for 3 bed house

Jo and Tara’s story Couple swaps 1 bed rental for 3 bed house   Having found a new build home that ticked their boxes, Jo and her partner Tara ended the lease on their one-bed flat to buy a 3 bed house with plenty of space for them and their seven-year-old Border...
Couple quit costly home renovations for low-maintenance new build home

Couple quit costly home renovations for low-maintenance new build home

With a history of house renovation Caroline and John always had a project on the go. However, after 50-year-old John suffered a heart attack, the couple reassessed their plans and the prospect of tackling a long list of costly tasks seemed less desirable. Instead, the pair opted for the peace-of-mind of a low-maintenance new build at Kingswood Homes’ The Hawthorns development in the village of Elswick so they could get on with living.