The recent COP25 conference saw sustainability, and everyone’s role in taking decisive action to save the planet take centre stage. The Glasgow conference inspired us to decrease our carbon footprint and live a greener lifestyle. Some changes are more obvious andfrequently talked about than others. We all know we must recycle, reconsider our choice of transportation, go paperless and use products that are better for the environment.

But how can we take care of this beautiful planet and still have the cosy, stylish home we’ve always wanted? Redrow believes that there is a way to make your house look as stylish as an interiors magazine and still be eco-friendly. It’s a bonus that doing so can also help you save money.

Here are Redrow’s tips to help you on your journey to a more sustainable, green home:


We all know that we should recycle our waste – but it is even better to upcycle! Recycled materials have to go through a lengthy process to be repurposed which requires a lot of energy. However, when you upcycle you reuse discarded items and give them new life. This saves you money and challenges you to use your imagination and creativity. Upcycling also allows you to own a unique picture frame or piece of furniture that no one else has.

Give your room a plant boost

Plants are back in fashion and we love the trend. Just one plant can change the appearance of a whole room, giving it a fresh and colourful boost. But plants are also the obvious choice when it comes to making your home greener. They provide oxygen and eliminate harmful chemicals from the air. So while we’re still working on saving the trees, why not do our ownpart and introduce some green friends to our homes.

You can also combine your newly found excitement for upcycling with your love of plants! Use an old kitchen pot, welly, porcelain cup or an old football as a planter. They would lookgreat both indoors and in your front garden or conservatory. Plants are also very beneficial topersonal health wellbeing. They are known to increase creativity and happiness, reduce stress and concentrate your memory. They don’t just make for a healthier planet, they also make a happier you!

Just one plant can change the appearance of a whole room, giving it a fresh and colourful boost
Just one plant can change the appearance of a whole room, giving it a fresh and colourful boost

Use sustainable materials

We know what you might be thinking… sustainable materials equals money, lots of it! But we need to have a ‘quality over quantity’ mindset when it comes to our furniture. This mind setwill also save you money in the long run, as cheap furniture made of plastic and chip wood loses its quality much faster. Why not invest in natural materials such as wood, wool, marble and stone that is better for the environment and will last you longer? These pieces can furthermore be upcycled at a later time when the furniture has become outdated or perhaps when someone finds it in an antique shop 30 years on.

Sustainable materials don’t have to be expensive either. If you are looking into cheaper options, try bamboo, cork and reclaimed wood.

Energy efficient interior design

Soft furnishings are a great way to keep your house warm in the colder months. Thick and cosy curtains help keep the heat inside and the cold outside in the winter months. Furthermore, stylish carpets and rugs are excellent retainers of heat that can prevent you from turning on the heat as often as you normally would.

We hope these eco tips havehelped give you some inspiration for your home as the
world’s attention turns to climate change. After all, every little helps.

Soft furnishings are a great way to keep your house warm in the colder months
Soft furnishings are a great way to keep your house warm in the colder months