How to make your new home insta-worthy

How to make your new home insta-worthy

Instagram is now for many of us the go-to destination for interior design ideas; inspiration and I’ll be frank, a little daydreaming and escapism doesn’t go amiss either. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that a large part of my daily ‘screen time’ wasn’t taken up...

How to run in your new home

Just as you run in a new car, a new home needs a lot of TLC when you first move in. It has never been lived in before. So it’s never had the heating on, the windows open, the shower running, ovens on and washing machine spinning. Your new home needs to get used to...
Home buying shopping list

Home buying shopping list

When you’re planning to buy a new home, it’s important to consider not just the property itself but the neighbourhood it’s in and how the local amenities fit your lifestyle, writes Samantha Williams, head of sales at Prospect Homes. Everyone has slightly...