Craig and Jamie’s Story

Armed Forces Personnel – Getting your foot on the property ladder

Using schemes available to active and previous armed forces personnel, Craig and Jamie bought their first home at ROSE Builders’ Lawford Green development in Essex, using the Forces Help to Buy scheme and other discounts for service personnel. Craig is a Sargent currently posted to the 32nd Regiment Royal Artillery.

Forces Help to Buy

Craig and Jamie used the Forces Help to Buy Scheme to purchase their first home.

In January 2023, the Ministry of Defence announced the Forces Help to Buy scheme will be an enduring policy. Allowing service personnel to borrow up to 50% of their salary, up to a maximum of £25,000 interest free, towards the purchase of a property, the scheme is designed to address the low rate of home ownership within the armed forces.

To qualify, personnel must:

  • have completed the pre-requisite length of service
  • are not a reservist or a member of the Military Provost Guard Service
  • have more than six months left to serve at the time they apply
  • meet the right medical categories

Supporting Armed Forces in Local Communities 

A number of house builders are signatories of the Armed Forces Covenant and are committed to assisting armed forces personnel achieving homeownership and employment after the forces.

Supporting Craig and Jamie with their journey to homeownership, ROSE Homes for Life‘s Forces incentive provided a contribution towards legal costs, flooring, and the purchase price of their home. This is available to serving or retired members of the Regular or Reserve UK Armed Forces.


Take a look at how house builders support the Armed Forces:





To apply for the scheme, service personnel can fill out the application form on JPA system.

For more information, visit the Forces Help to Buy Guidance page