Ask most children what it most important to them when moving house, and arguably the top answer will be having a bedroom of their own.

Creating a space for younger members of the family to call their own may present different scenarios for different families; an area for fun and play, a quiet and private space or a relaxing and clutter-free zone for study or having friends over.

Show homes have and continue to be a source of inspiration for families visiting new homes developments, and Linden Homes (part of Vistry Group) in Yorkshire is no exception.

Interior designers working with the housebuilder have over the years created kids’ bedrooms with the wow factor – with décor ranging from magical unicorns and a nod to the moon landings to film and literally inspired themes; including The Cat in the Hat, Peter Pan, superheroes and Jurassic Park.

But aside from the eye-catching and aesthetically pleasing colours and designs, a lot of thought is given to the ever-changing needs and requirements of family life; where children are often at the heart of the home.

Karen Vincent-Ernst from Open Door Interiors said: “One of the first things to consider when planning the interior of a child’s bedroom is to think about how the room will not only please the child and the family, but how it will make their life easier in terms of storage, space and longevity through design.

“For younger children, features like integrated storage, floating shelves and wall hung bookcase can be perfect solutions for neat and tidy storage. Theme ideas are endless, but it is important to consider that as a child grows, their tastes will change – and the last thing you want to be doing it decorating the bedroom more often that you need to.”

Karen added: “With older children or teens, the room needs to be functional as well as meeting their tastes. The use of neutral or natural base colours can provide a calming environment, adding to it a pop of colour with soft furnishes and wall art. One of the current trends is for a cleverly designed headboard which has pockets for a phone, tablet and other gadgets.

Linden Homes marketing manager Megan Marshall added: “We are very fortunate to work with some amazing interior designers who really do put the wow factor into our show homes. We know that many visitors gain so much inspiration from the rooms and look to re-create elements of the them when they move into their own new property.”

Here are some tips on creating the perfect room for your child or teen:

  • Less is usually more. Start as you mean to go and don’t be tempted to add clutter. Keeping the décor simple and furnishings to a minimum will allow you to create more space for your child to play. A neutral canvas can also be easily adapted as your child grows
  • Make the most of the space you have. Clever storage ideas or pieces of furniture that can provide a dual purpose will see you through the years, for example a loft of cabin bed raised from the floor can allow the space beneath to double as a play zone, reading corner or lounge area in the future
  • Storage can  be an issue, which in turn can lead to clutter and a carpet or floor space covered in ‘stuff’. Think about including storage boxes, a second rail or hooks into the wardrobe to maximise the interiors space
  • If you have the space, introduce a child-friendly work area; a space for them to keep busy, do their homework or study for exams. This versatile and personal space will grow with them and may also help with physical and mental development.

For details of where Linden Homes is building near you or to make an appointment to view one of the show homes, visit