There are plenty of reasons why sitting down and enjoying breakfast, lunch and dinner with one another, when you can, benefits you and your family. Here are a few of our suggestions to get the family sat down and looking forward to mealtimes together.

Enjoy meals together – even when busy!

Whether it’s the morning rush, extra-curricular activities or meetings that over-run into your personal time, life gets busy and there’s no getting away from it. At times like this an informal dining set-up for you and your family allows you to enjoy eating together when things get more hectic. This could be stools up at your kitchen island, keeping a breakfast bar clutter-free and dedicated to eating together or a smaller table in the kitchen for casual dining. If room allows, a separate, more formal dining space can be designated for those more special occasions.

Make your kitchen the hub of your home

We spend a lot of time in the kitchen. From preparing and cooking meals to cleaning and laundry, making the kitchen the hub of your home means you and your family will be able to spend more time together before, during and after mealtimes. Somewhere to sit and relax, whether you have room for a couple of chairs and soft furnishings to a larger sofa and coffee table, makes for an inviting space in which you can get together more easily. You might even be able to persuade little ones to help!

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“Without music, life would be a mistake.”

Introducing a piano, or another music instrument, into your dining room is the perfect way to get everyone together at mealtimes. We’re not suggesting you become the next Vontrapp family but a singalong after dinner is something lovely – and different – to look forward to once you’ve all finished your meals. It would also make for a unique focal point to your dining space interiors and the perfect icebreaker at dinner parties.

Dinner al fresco

As those warmer, longer days draw closer, we can start to plan those summer BBQs and garden parties. These occasions are a great way to get the family, extended family and friends together to catch-up and enjoy some delicious food. Opening bi-fold doors from your kitchen and/or dining space into your garden allows for people to come and go as they please, as well as plenty of room for entertaining. Also, ensure you invest in good-quality outdoor furniture that you’ll enjoy dining at. With an abundance of styles to choose from, and the option to upcycle tired designs, it shouldn’t be difficult to find the perfect set for your garden.

Comfort is key

If you’re keen for the family to sit around the dining table, then comfort is essential to keep everyone coming back each evening. Make sure you pick a dining table that is suitable for the space – ideally everyone should be able to get in and out easily without having to awkwardly shuffle past each other. Ensure there is enough space between seats, so people have room to move their arms when they are eating. Plus, double check that those dining chairs are comfortable – this will ensure everyone sticks around long enough to have a chat after they’ve filled their bellies. 

Get personal

Those extra special touches that mean something to you and your family can transform a simple room into the heart of the home. Try a gallery wall full of photos reminding you of other happy memories, find beautiful prints that make you feel good, and maybe even add a touch of greenery to bring some life into the room. Remember to refresh things occasionally with new holiday photos and seasonal pictures to keep things fresh.

Room purpose

Make sure each room in your house has a separate function so all the family know the purpose of each part of the house. For example, keep your living room for relaxing in front of the TV or playing boardgames; the bedroom for some alone time and sleeping; then the dining room is for coming together to eat and catch up. That way, when it’s dinner time, everyone knows to head to the dining room and ditch those TV trays.

It’s all in the atmosphere

Create an atmosphere in your dining space that is conducive for a relaxing meal together. Think peaceful mood music, candles and comfortable lighting – it will make you want to come together and gives each mealtime an air of a special occasion – which is what it should be. 

We’ve hope that’s got you feeling inspired to get all the family together to enjoy some good food and company while making the most of your dining space. Bon appétit!

This blog was provided by Bovis Homes.